The Flu – What to do if you get sick

The Flu: What To Do If You Get Sick How do I know if I have the flu? You may have the flu if you have some or all of these symptoms: *It’s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever. What should I do if I get sick? Most people […]

Diabetes in Children

It is not common for babies and toddlers to have diabetes so it isn’t the first thing parents think of when a child is acting ‘off’.  But, it can be deadly.  Check out these signs so you can be aware! Explanation of Type 1 diabetes: Type 1 diabetes is a serious autoimmune disease in which […]

Smoke Alarms

Smoke Alarm Information – including how to possibly get 3 free ones! Although you do not only need smoke alarms in the winter, fires seem to happen more during then.  Keep track of the changes on the Red Cross website by checking on this website: Also, by going to the above site you might […]

Prepare in Advance for a Power Outage

Prepare in Advance for a Power Outage Create a support network. Identify people who can help you stay at home or evacuate during an extended power outage. Keep a paper copy of your contact list. Stay connected and alert. Sign up for alert systems and apps for text alerts. Have communication devices that work without […]

Fun With Calendars

Fun with Calendars with Ms. Christie Using an old calendar or the months we’ve passed so far the year, try some of the following with your kids  Count how many: 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, etc. (visual scanning, finger isolation for pointing, 1:1 correspondence) Circle numbers: circle all the 1’s (visual scanning, finger dexterity for making […]

Energy Assistance in Nebraska

LIHEAP LIHEAP helps low-income households stay safe and healthy by providing financial assistance to offset the costs of heating and cooling. Utility costs keep going up and it can be hard to heat or cool your house without help. Nebraska has a program for lower-income families to get that help. Here is the link to […]

Winter Safety Tips for Toddlers

When you are the parent of a toddler the safety of your child is a constant concern.  The winter months offer a variety of challenges for the parents of toddlers.  Whether you are staying toasty warm inside or outside enjoying the weather with your child, there are some steps you can take to prepare for […]

Space Heater Safety

It is common for families to use space heaters during our frigid winters.  However, there are many safety concerns to think of.   Here are some great tips from The Electrical Safety Foundation International. Heating equipment is the second leading cause of home fires in the United States. More than 65,000 home fires are attributed to […]